• come e perche della fotografia stenopeica

    come e perche della fotografia stenopeica

    The art of pinhole photography allows individuals to create their own personalized cameras and capture reality in unique ways. Through hands-on construction and experimentation, individuals are challenged to explore their inner world and surroundings from unexpected perspectives. This expands perception and activates transformative and “therapeutic” cognitive processes.

  • Scatole di Luce – Fotografia stenopeica e autonarrazione – Arezzo 2016

    Scatole di Luce – Fotografia stenopeica e autonarrazione – Arezzo 2016

    This is a beginner-level workshop held in partnership with Segni Concreti. It aims to express individual subjectivity via photographic autobiography. Participants will use self-made pinhole cameras to capture images for a diary, serving as an informal narrative tool to record feelings and emotions stirred by their own or others’ photographs.

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